PRESS RELEASE: Lib Dem councillors campaign against Fire Service cuts


The Cann Hall FOCUS Team campaigning at Leytonstone Fire Station

Local Lib Dem councillors are backing their Lib Dem colleagues Terry Stacy and Stephen Knight on the North London fire authority and are launching a campaign against cuts to local fire services. Waltham Forest could lose 2 fire engines under Mayor Boris Johnson’s plans and services across London will be cut back.

Local residents are also worried about the closure and demolition of Leytonstone Fire Station amidst this on-going uncertainty. Residents are worried that because the proposals for cuts are yet to be finalised the new station could be axed following the consultation.

Residents now want assurances that the station will reopen as planned. Local Lib Dems are asking residents to sign a petition against the cuts and for assurances about the future of Leytonstone Fire Station.

Lib Dem Councillor Mahmood Hussain said:

“These fire engines are a vital part of our local fire services. Fewer engines will mean there are fewer and less mobile fire fighters protecting or Borough.“These cuts are short-sighted. The number of fire engine mobilisations in the Borough increased from 5,449 in 2005/06 to 5,607 between 2011 and 2012. The population of the Borough is still growing, which means more people and more houses to protect.”“I hope that local Labour and Conservative councillors will join us in opposing these cuts.”

Leytonstone resident Mahmood Faiz said:

“Of course we’re worried. There are big changes going on in the fire service and local people want assurances that the new fire station will go ahead. This consultation is already causing worries for local people and it shouldn’t be used as a way of sneaking in even more of Boris’ cuts to our fire services.”

Please sign our petition here:

PRESS RELEASE: Labour cut free rat catching service

This year the Labour council will bring an end to their free rat catching service by introducing a new charge of £25.

They are also increasing the cost of pest control in other areas, putting up the cost of dealing with mice for those on council tax benefit from £60 to £75, a 22% increase.

Lib Dems have criticised the move saying it will cause more problems than it solves.

Lib Dem Environment spokesperson Councillor Mahmood Hussain said:

“This is a false economy. A growing rat population affects everyone. For every person that is put off reporting rats by this new charge, rats will spread further and faster across the Borough.

“Mice are a growing problem for residents too and it can often take two or three visits before they are cleared from your home, landing you with a bill of hundreds of pounds.”

“Just like their u-turns over parking charges and the living wage last year, it wouldn’t cost Labour much to reverse these bad decisions and back the priorities of residents.”

Lib Dem Leader Councillor Bob Sullivan said:

“Lib Dems will be finding money in our alternative budget to show that the Labour council could cut charges for mice and keep the rat service free if they wanted to.”

Barking – Gospel Oak Line – electrification urged

Liberal Democrat Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon asked Mayor Boris Johnson if he would commit to ensuring that the Barking to Gospel Oak Line is electrified before the end of his Mayoral term. His written response is printed below:

I strongly support the electrification of the Gospel Oak to Barking Line, which would permit the introduction of longer London Overground passenger trains, and bring significant benefits to the UK rail freight industry.

However, the commitment you seek can only be made by the Department for Transport and Network Rail, as the line is part of the Network Rail network. TfL (Transport for London) has offered a contribution to any funding package, reflecting the benefits for Overground services, but to date the balance of the required funding has not been forthcoming from the Government.

TfL continues to make the case for this scheme.



With problems over the CPZ consultation and plans by Waltham Forest Council to sell off the Stanley Road Car Park in Bakers Arms shopping area, parking is fast becoming a big issue in the Borough.

Lib Dems are opposing plans by the council to sell off the car park at Bakers Arms. And have gone further by asking the council to extend free parking times over the Christmas period to help local businesses.

Cllr Mahmood Hussain, Lib Dem Environment spokesperson said:

“With Christmas coming up, now would be the perfect time to help local businesses by extending the 15 minutes free parking time up to 30 minutes for the remaining few weeks. This would help our local shops compete with supermarkets and the big shopping centres nearby.

“And selling off the Bakers’ Arms car park is clearly the wrong decision. The car park is badly signposted at the moment but if we could bring it back into proper use it could be a great asset for local businesses.

“Cabinet members need to rethink parking in the Borough and focus on how it can help local businesses.”

Chair of the Bakers’ Arms Business Forum, Suleman Ahmed said:

“We should be taking advantage of the resource that we have in this car park at Bakers’ Arms. If the car park was better managed and better signposted by the council then it would not need to be sold off.

“Extending free parking would also be a great boost to local businesses in the run up to the Christmas period.”

Leytonstone Fire Station – plans approved!

Impression of the new Leytonstone Fire Station

The Planning Committee has approved London Fire Brigade’s application to demolish and rebuild the old fire station in Leytonstone High Road.

The new building will provide room for modern fire fighting appliances and training facilities, plus a visiting space for the public.

The fire engines will be temporarily transferred to other stations, and the Brigade says that there would be no reduction in cover as a result.

The Woodhouse Tavern – update!

The Woodhouse Tavern

The CBHA Housing Association’s plan to demolish the Woodhouse Tavern to erect a four storey bock of flats was rejected.

It was said that the plan would result in the loss of ‘social infrastructure’ in Cann Hall.

Also it was noted that there was insufficient off-street parking provision, and the building was too bulky and would over-dominate the surrounding area.

Church Lane Car Park – under threat

Church Lane Car Park


Application Number: 2012/1423/LA

The Council has lodged the above planning application to further reduce the size of the Church Lane Shopping Centre Car Park, by installing a multi-use games area including new fences, gates and bollards; and reconfiguration of the car park.
The FOCUS Team believes that the prime function of a shopping centre car park is to attract ‘out of area’ shoppers to the range of independent retailers who do not have their own customer parking facilities. In Leytonstone even Argos must rely on public parking.
A report of the borough’s car parks, presented to the Cabinet, alleged that Church Lane Car Park is underused. The photograph above was taken on a normal weekday and only shows a disabled bay vacant. So much for ‘underused’.
LATE INFORMATION: The installation of the multi-use games area will involve the loss of 18/19 car parking spaces, which will inevitably mean less, or no, spaces for shopper parking.
Full details of the plan should be on the Council’s website – look in the Planning Explorer, quoting the application number.
Comments on this proposal should be sent to:
Development Management, London Borough of Waltham Forest,
Sycamore House, Town Hall Complex,
Forest Road, E17 4JP
Closing date for comments: 4th November

The Woodhouse Tavern – Planning News

The Woodhouse Tavern

Planning Application: 2012/1324

119 Harrow Road, Leytonstone, E11 3PX

The Council’s planning officers have received a planning application which proposes:

  • demolition of existing public house
  • erection of part three and part four storey building
  • comprising 4×1 bed, 5×2 bed, 4×3 bed and 1×4 bed
  • car and cycle parking
  • landscaping and refuse/recycling stores

Any comments should be sent to:

The Development Manager, London Borough of Waltham Forest, Sycamore House, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road, E17 4JF

Barking – Gospel Oak Line: concern about freight trains

The Waltham Forest Guardian has reported that campaigners in Walthamstow living near the Line have grown increasingly concerned over a recent increase in the frequency, length and weight of the goods trains which travel along the track in the early hours.

Network Rail has finally agreed to investigate whether these freight trains are causing structural damage to their properties.

They have said that the investigation would last for a ‘decent amount of time’ and would include installation of monitoring equipment in several properties. No indication was given of a time span.

Network Rail admitted that the number of freight trains on the line may increase in late 2013, when the London Gateway ‘super port’ opens. The campaigners are demanding that monitoring should also cover this period.

This campaign has centred on Walthamstow, so far, however the Liberal Democrats would like to know how residents are affected as the freight trains go through Leyton and Leytonstone.