Waltham Forest’s Labour run Council has voted to give the Chief Executive of the Council  a whopping inflation busting pay rise of £15,000 – an 8% increase. 

This makes his salary £195,000! Even the Prime Minister only gets £142,000.  Labour councillors said it was reward for overseeing council cuts.

Given that the cuts were a loss of 1,000 jobs plus salary cuts to the rest of the council staff should this have been rewarded?

On top of that, Labour councillors voted to give the redundant deputy chief executive a massive £140,000 pay off.

You can be assured that the staff who lost their jobs did not receive any golden pay offs.
Can you believe the way this Labour Council spends your money. Last year they increased the Deputy leader’s pay by 25%.

Your money down the drain

Focus will keep on reporting the arrogant and wasteful ways that this Council spends your money.


The latest issue of the Cann Hall FOCUS Newsletter is currently being delivered across the ward free of charge by our team of volunteers.

The FOCUS Team would like to hear from you if you would like to help deliver FOCUS near your home, and keep local people informed. A round usually takes about 45 minutes, every 6 – 8 weeks. Please contact Clyde Kitson on (020) 8534 2947 if you would like to help, thank you.

You can see as copy of FOCUS here: Cann Hall 269

NEWS UPDATE – 620 High Road Leytonstone


620 High Road

In the face of strong opposition from local residents the Gambling Act Sub-Committee approved the gaming licence for the planning Paddy Power branch at 620 High Road Leytonstone.

As previously reported the Planning Officers, under new legislation, have already refused an planning application for change of use to a betting shop.

Residents have raised the strongest possible opposition to the continued, apparently, avaricious advance of betting offices across Waltham Forest.

The last ditch in this fight will be decided in Whitehall if Paddy Power, as suspected, appeals the decision of the Planning Officers.


Fly-tipping reported on the corner of Winchelsea Road and Pevensey Road

FOCUS Team member and Neighbourhood Watch Coordinatoe Rupert Alexander has advised the council that Pevensey Road, at the junction with Winchelsea Road is becoming a hot spot for fly-tipping again.


Local residents are calling for re-deployable CCTV camera to be installed in the area. The council has advised that all the cameras are currently deployed, and the next review will be in October 2014, when Rupert will learn if his request has been successful.


Meanwhile, watch this space.


You can contact the Cann Hall FOCUS Team via this website if you want to report something that needs attention.



The latest edition of the popular Cann Hall FOCUS Newsletter has gone to press. It will be delivered free of charge across the ward by our team of volunteers.

Please contact Clyde Kitson on 8534 2947, if you would like to help deliver the Newsletter near your home, or would like to help in any other way, thank you.

Access an advance copy here: Cann Hall 268


The latest issue of the popular Cann Hall Liberal Democrat FOCUS Newsletter is currently being delivered free of charge across the ward by our team of volunteers.

Please contact Clyde Kitson if you would like to help deliver the Newsletter near your home, or would like to help with local campaigning.

His telephone number is 020 8534 2947. He would be pleased to hear from you.

Thank you.

Access a copy of the FOCUS here: Cann Hall 267


The latest issue of the Cann Hall FOCUS Newsletter has just gone to press. It will, as usual, be delivered free of charge across the ward by our team of volunteers.

Please contact Clyde Kitson on 8534 2947 if you would like to help deliver the newsletter near your home. Each round takes about 45 minutes, thank you.



The latest copy of the FOCUS Newsletter has just been printed, and will be delivered across Cann Hall, free of charge, by our team of volunteers.

If you would like to help deliver a road near your home, please contact Clyde Kitson on 8534 2947. The FOCUS is published every 6 weeks, and each delivery round takes about 45 minutes.

Access  an advance copy here: Cann Hall 264

Cann Hall FOCUS Newsletter 263

The latest edition of the popular Cann Hall Ward FOCUS Newsletter has just gone to press.

It will be distributed free of charge across the ward.

Please contact Clyde Kitson on 8534 2947 if you wuld like to help deliver the Newsletter near your home. It comes out every six weeks and a round usually takes about 45 minutes. Thank you.

You can see an advance copy here: Cann Hall 263

Cann Hall FOCUS Newsletter 262

The latest edition of the popular Cann Hall Ward FOCUS Newsletter has just gone to press.

It will be distributed free of charge across the ward.

Please contact Clyde Kitson on 8534 2947 if you wuld like to help deliver the Newsletter near your home. It comes out every six weeks and a round usually takes about 45 minutes. Thank you.

You can see an advance copy here: Cann Hall 262